Events T&Cs

If you have ended up at this page having clicked on "Next Junior Event", then it is because we have closed entries and will post a new update for the next event shortly.

Junior Events Terms and Conditions

Whilst we try not to be overly officious, we require parents and guardians to sign up to the following terms and conditions in order to enter their child(ren) for any of the Lancashire Chess Association events.

“The Venue” as referenced below, refers to the school (or other venue) named on the event entry form. This may change from time to time. However, these terms and conditions will refer to the hosting school (or other venue as appropriate) for the event as “The Venue”.

  • Lancashire chess coaches will be responsible for the children during the event
  • Parent guardians may not remain in the playing hall once the event has started
  • A separate area is available for parent guardians who wish to stay
  • The event director has all parent guardian details and will contact a childs parent guardian immediately if any issues or concerns arise
  • All coaches attending are enhanced DBS cleared.
  • “The Venue” is kindly offering the use of the venue to Lancashire Chess Association but has no responsibility for the children during the coaching day.
  • Colin Greenwood is the event director and has overall responsibility for child protection
  • There is a limit of 50 players for the event.
  • The organisers reserve the right to expel any parent, guardian or child who is being threatening/abusive/anti-social.
  • Lancashire Chess Association, “The Venue” or the coaches accept no responsibility for any personal property that is brought to the event. 
  • Lancashire Chess Association recognises and accepts its responsibility to protect the welfare of all children who attend our events.
  • The organisers decision(s) are final.